California Dental Insurance, What You Should Expect From Your Dentist.
Regardless of whether you are a new patient or a return patient it is important that you are confident in the quality of care that they dentist provides. First impressions are important but so is lasting impressions. Here is a check list that may help you make sure you are receiving quality dental care and service. Ask your yourself these questions.
1) Does the dental office provide a professional atmosphere and a willingness to address your concerns, such as any dental fears.
2) Does the dental office/dentist address your medical history thoroughly prior to dental treatment or does it seem like and afterthought? Health problems such as high blood pressure, should be monitored at every dental appointment. Other health problems may have an affect on your dental and oral health and should be address in order to received proper dental care.
3) When dental work is being performed are all staff members wearing masks, gloves and appropriated eye wear? Are all dental instruments stored in sealed bags and following sterilization? Are all your questions regarding sterilization being answered to your satisfaction?
4) When having your teeth cleaned does your dentist go over any areas of your mouth where more attentions is required. Is he or she taking pocket depth readings to assess for periodontal disease?
5) When present a dental treatment plan are all questions about the proposed treatment plan being adequately explained to you.
6) Is cost of the dental services explained to you prior to treatment? Has the dental office gone over with you how they handle insurance and billing?